Christmas Hope Bags

Christmas Hope Bags

Christmas Hope Bags deliver big joy and the Good News of the Gospel to Guatemalan children in need through gift-filled backpacks (similar to a Christmas shoebox). Each bag packed with toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love at Christmastime and all year long. For some children, it is their first gift ever!

We celebrate Christmas in July so that our 5,000+ sponsored children can celebrate Christmas in December, and this year, we'll do the shopping for you! Donate $30 per Christmas Hope Bag and we will fill them on your behalf, full of age-appropriate toys and goodies the children will love. 

We know that your gift of a Christmas Hope bag is about more than just toys: it’s about Hope. We ask that you not only provide these gifts, but that you also join us in praying for each of these precious children, their families, and their communities. Pray with us that:

  • Each child will recognize the love of Christ and His Church through these gifts.
  • Their family would be receptive to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • Their community would be transformed by the Gospel.

Thank you for helping us make sure EVERY child gets to celebrate Christmas with a gift.

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